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Raising the Roof: Sage Project Management Guidance for Successful School Roof Replacement Projects

April 3rd, 2024


School districts face diverse challenges when it comes to facility improvements. While some may opt for comprehensive renovations or new construction, others may choose to take on capital improvement projects due to budget limitations. Roof replacements/rehabilitations frequently fall under the latter category.

Roofs play a silent yet pivotal role in the functionality of any building, but in the context of schools, where a smooth operation is essential to ensuring students are learning in an optimal environment, even the smallest roof issue can trigger a cascade of problems affecting systems essential to operations.

One avenue available to districts looking to improve their facilities is state reimbursement for roof replacements, offering a viable solution to address immediate needs without undertaking the full expense of a new or renovate-as-new school. While considered “non-priority projects” by the state, roof replacements hold immense importance for the smooth functioning of educational facilities. To navigate the process, districts must seize the opportunity during the designated time frame each year to submit grant applications, detailing comprehensive project plans and securing necessary funding and approvals.

While these projects may be small in scope, they are no less important. At CSG, we have experience overseeing these projects. We know how to manage and maintain them. Our extensive experience involves acting as program manager for the Town of Enfield, Connecticut’s “Roof-erendum” which included Henry Barnard, Eli Whitney, and Hazardville Memorial Schools. We’ve also completed roof replacement projects at Center Road School in Vernon, Bailey Middle School in West Haven, and at East Windsor Middle School.


Eli Whitney Elementary School, Enfield, CT

Center Road School, Vernon, CT

Broad Brook Elementary School, East Windsor, CT

Hazardville Memorial School, Enfield, CT

Despite the relatively limited scope, roof replacement projects still come with their challenges:

  • The scarcity of skilled labor and unpredictable weather patterns in regions like New England pose significant obstacles. Summer is the preferred window for roof construction, aligning with school breaks to minimize disruption. Yet the finite timeframe necessitates meticulous planning to overcome potential delays.
  • Material procurement stands as another potential issue. Ordering materials in advance is essential for any construction project, but storage and insurance considerations add layers of complexity.

At CSG, we have the expertise to carefully orchestrate these logistics to ensure uninterrupted progress. In essence, the success of school roof construction projects hinges on sound project management. It entails meticulous planning, proactive problem-solving, and adept coordination of resources. We like to think of ourselves as custodians of educational infrastructure, helping to create learning environments that will be used for generations to come.

Posted in the categories Announcements, Projects.